Ribbon cutting ceremony celebrates repaving of Pass Rd. near Gulfport Seabee Base
GULFPORT, Miss. (WLOX) - On Wednesday, the Naval Construction Battalion Center gave a big thank you to Harrison County and the City of Gulfport.
That’s because the county repaved Pass Road between Highway 49 and the base’s gate.
Harrison County did most of the work, with the city helping with milling.
“This is the main artery for folks coming into and out of the base,” said Capt. Ana Franco, NCBC Base Commander. “It’s a great project that we’ve been anxiously waiting for, so we’re super excited and super grateful to our community leaders to make this investment.”
“You can’t accomplish anything without a team effort,” noted Harrison County District 4 supervisor Kent Jones. “We work well with the City of Gulfport and this is another one of the projects where we’ve been planning it and were able to put it together to make it happen.”
The total project costs falls around $500,000.